Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowships 2025

The Enterprise Fellowships are open to international students from all over the world to pursue doctoral studies at Royal Academy of Engineering UK. Innovative and creative entrepreneurial engineers are supported by this program who have depicted an exceptional novelty in engineering which they want to develop further.

The program emphases on preparing the awardee with the skills, experience, confidence and network of expert advisers required to enable them to develop their innovation. Three types of individuals are supported by Enterprise Fellowships; recent graduates wishing to create a company, researchers wishing to spin out a company from a university or research institute, and international PhD students based in the UK, wishing to spin out or start up.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Postdoctoral
  • Institution(s): Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Study in: UK
  • Opportunity Focus Areas: Engineering
  • Program Period: One year
  • Deadline:
    • Stage 1: August 29, 2024 (Opens in January)
    • Stage 2: October, 2024

Scholarship Coverage

Enterprise Fellowships – Royal Academy of Engineering provide the recipient with the following benefits:

  • Up to £75,000 equity-free startup funding grant,
  • Expert business mentoring and coaching,
  • 15 days of business training,
  • Membership of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit,
  • Access to our community of Hub Members, Academy Fellows, investors, industry experts and partners,
  • Flexible working space at the Taylor Centre, our physical hub,
  • Hub membership for life.

Eligibility Criteria for Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowships

To be eligible for Enterprise Fellowships – Royal Academy of Engineering, following criteria is to be fulfilled:

  • Required Language: English.
  • Eligible Countries: All World Countries.

Broadly speaking, we support:

  • Researchers wishing to spinout a company from a university
  • Recent graduates seeking to found a startup
  • International PhD students (already based in the UK) wanting to spinout or startup

You meet our key eligibility criteria if:

  • The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of your solution is 4 or above
  • Equity investment in your business is less than 500,000 GBP
  • Your innovation is protectable and you own or co-own the IP
  • Within the founding team, you own the highest equity stake in the company
  • You are, or have the ambition to be, the CEO or COO of the business
  • For startups: you are not a student or otherwise employed during our programme
  • In addition for startups: you have completed your very first university degree by 1 July 2018
  • For spinouts: you are currently employed by the university
  • If relevant, your PhD viva will be held no later than 30 November 2023

Please ensure you read the full list of eligibility criteria before applying.

How to Apply for Enterprise Fellowships – Royal Academy of Engineering?

Please visit official website link given at the end. Here are some necessary steps to avail Enterprise Fellowships – Royal Academy of Engineering:

  • Applicants must first register with the system from here.
  • Once logged in, select My Applications in the top left corner, and choose an application form the list of currently open programs.

The application process has two stages:

Stage one

In Stage one, you briefly tell us about yourself and your idea. It will take about 60 minutes to complete. If you are eligible for the programme and your idea is suitable for the type of the support we offer and you are a good fit for the programme, then we will invite you to complete a stage two application.  Stage one does not consider how good the idea is, but whether it fits within the criteria and aims of the programme. 

Stage two

The Stage two  application is more detailed and will consider how good the idea is, and your potential to lead a startup. You will need to provide more information about yourself, the team, the technology and the business model – this will take you between one to three working days. This part of the application will be reviewed by a panel of experts, and if successful you will be invited to interview.

Please note, due to the large volumes of applications we will not be able to provide you with the Panel’s feedback on your Stage two application until the selection process is fully completed.

If you have any questions, please email the Enterprise team. 


To know more about Enterprise Fellowships – Royal Academy of Engineering, please visit the official website:

Official Website

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